Thursday, June 9, 2011

June 8, 2011

WOW is it ever HOT???

Brethren and friends:  The details regarding our 2011 Fall Reunion are now available for me to share with you.

The Fall 2011 Class Honoree will be our Right Worshipful Grand Master, Ill. Thomas K. Sturgeon, 33.

The Reunion will begin on Friday, September 16, 2011 with the Special Communication of Philadelphia Lodge of Perfection, 14. The Degrees to be presented that evening include the 4th Master Traveler (in DVD format) and the 14th Grand Elect Mason, which will be presented by the Lodge of Perfection Officers. One other Lodge of Perfection Degree will also be presented. Our Director of Work, Ill. David Reppert, 33, MSA, will that announce shortly. Stay tuned!

The Reunion will continue on Friday, October 21, 2011, with the Special Convocation of DeJoinville Council, 16 and Kilwinning Chapter of Rose Croix, 18. The 15th Knight of the East and the 18th Knight of Rose Croix will be presented.

The Reunion will conclude on Friday, November 2, 2011 with the Special Rendezvous of Benjamin Franklin Consistory, 32. The Degrees to be presented that evening are, the 27th Knight of Jerusalem (SCOTTISH RITE PASSPORT ALERT!), the 31st Knight Aspirant, and the 32nd Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret. Our R.W. Grand Master is expected to be in attendance at the Rendezvous.

So you're probably thinking, "Steve, it's the beginning of the Summer. Why are you telling me about the Fall?" Well first, let me just say, you look really good in that shade of blue and secondly, glad you asked. As our Reunion will begin in September instead of October as it usually does, you need to know this, so that you don't miss any of it, and to give you enough notice to begin procurring that most important element behind every Reunion, CANDIDATES! Do you have one (or two, three, four, etc.) yet? What are you waiting for?

As always petitions are available 24 hours per day at Feel free to print out as many as you need!

Or,  you can stop in the Scottish Rite Office to pick some up, or I can leave them for you with the Masonic Temple guards, or I can mail them to you.

Well there you have the details regarding the Fall Reunion. Now lets get to work (Easy does it. It's very HOT today!) and make our Fall Class one of the best ever!

May the Grand Architect watch over you and yours now and until next time.

Sincere fraternal regards,

Steven A. Morrison, 33
Valley Secretary

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