Monday, August 22, 2011

I'll Be Away For A Few Days

Brethren and Friends:

How about this delightful weather? Wow! Very nice and very cool for August!

Well, what's going on in the Valley?

Dues continue to come in and for those that have sent them in, again, THANKS! and for those who's "check is in the mail," THANKS TOO!

I get phone calls from time to time from Brethren asking if we take credit cards for dues payment. In the Valley, we do not take cards, but you can use your card (I beg the forgiveness of my favorite financial guru, Dave Ramsey!!!) to pay your dues by visiting the "Members Center" of the Supreme Council web site - Supreme Council, NMJ

As always we're asking you to consider making a donation to the Philadelphia Children's Dyslexia Center when paying your dues. If you have not yet paid your dues, please give this worthy charity, the VALLEY'S charity, OUR charity, YOUR charity, some consideration. Our Center Director and the Staff of the Center are doing great work to open doors for children affected by dyslexia, but with your help they can do so much more. Thank you for your kind consideration of this worthwhile effort.

I remember as a boy I loved to read. I still do, but find the time to do so anymore, extremely limited. I loved to read biographies in particular. I learned so much about many great historic personalities. As a matter of fact, a book I read when I was in third grade on the life Francis Scott Key, helped me answer, correctly, the "Final Jeopardy" question one evening. Of course I was home and had no money on the line, but it was fun watching my wife exclaim, "How did you know that?"

When I think of how dyslexia is robbing young people of this same joy, it angers me. Thankfully we're able to do something about it. Please Brethren, give to our Center if you are able.

There are STILL seats available on both of the buses for the Autumn Day bus trip on Saturday, 17 September. If you've never been to our beautiful Masonic Village at Elizabethtown, this a great opportunity for you to go and enjoy the sights, scenes and FREE FOOD at this annual Pennsylvania Masonry outing.

Both buses leave at 9 AM from Tacony Temple, 4400 Magee Avenue in NE Philadelphia or LuLu Shriners, 5140 Butler Pike in Plymouth Meeting.

The cost per person is $23. This covers the round trip cost of your seat, which means you don't have to pay the high GAS PRICES, TOLLS, or spend TWO HOURS driving! The bus will depart E-town when the festivities conclude at 4 PM for the trip home to LuLu or Tacony (make sure you get on the right bus!)

The trip is open to Valley members, their families, Philadelphia area Master Masons and their families. Perhaps you have a friend you want to introduce to Freemasonry or even to the Valley, invite them to come along with you on the "Autumn Day Scottish Rite Express."

Send your check made payable to "Scottish Rite Bodies" to the Scottish Rite Office, Masonic Temple, One North Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107-2520. Be sure to include which location you will board the bus at!

Our Fall Reunion is fast approaching and since my last edition, I'm proud to report, we have 18 Candidates. But, as I said before, I want 20 or more. Come on guys, we all know at least one Brother who would enjoy Scottish Rite, lets get him in this Class.

We will be one the last stops our current Right Worshipful Grand Master makes before he leaves office on 27 December. Wouldn't it be nice for him to come into Gothic Hall on 4 November and see a large Class named in his honor?

Petitions are always available by visiting our Valley's web site - Valley Petition

Remember, if you are the first line signer of 3 Candidates in one year, your dues the following year are FREE!!! We have several Brethren that are enjoying that benefit right now. Oh and before I forget, if you are the first line signer on 25 Candidates over the course of your Scottish Rite lifetime, you become a LIFE MEMBER, which means, you NEVER, EVER, have to pay DUES AGAIN! Now if that isn't an incentive, I don't know the meaning of the word!

I have discovered that the answering machine in the Scottish Rite Office has gone to the "great office supply store in the sky." It was allowing you to hear my outgoing message but it wasn't recording your message to me. I've had a few Brethren call me and say "I left you a message, but you didn't get back to me," now if that happens once it's a coincidence, but I've gotten a few complaints. This happened last week. So rather than purchase a new machine, I figured I would make use of our Verizon for business plan and make use of the voice mail service included in their bundle package. Well, as you probably know, they were on strike, so getting the voice mail set up has been, well, lets say it's been an "experience" and leave it at that! I hope to have that completed by this Tuesday, 23 August. Thank you in advance for your patience and your understanding.

Beginning this Friday, 26 August the Scottish Rite Office will be closed. It will reopen on Tuesday, 6 September.

I will be in Chicago attending the Annual Sessions of the Supreme Council, at which our Brother, Leonard R. Bezar, 32, will receive the 33rd Degree. Bro. Len has served our Valley as Sovereign Prince, Most Wise Master, and on the Membership Committee. Currently he is serving the Valley as a member of the  ROTC/JROTC Representatives Committee. He is also active with the Children's Dyslexia Center Board of Governors. Congratulations Bro. Len!

When we return from Chicago, I will be taking a few days vacation and returning to the office the Tuesday after Labor Day.

Don't forget the "Toast to Reading" which is a great way to spend an evening and support our Center for more information, please visit - Toast To Reading

And keep in mind our next GREAT Family Life event, "Christmas in Hershey" For more information, please visit - Christmas in Hershey

Well that will do it for this edition. Be safe, take care, and get a Candidate!

May the Grand Architect continue to watch over you and yours.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Steven A. Morrison, 33
Valley Secretary

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